Master Apex programming with in-depth articles on SOQL, triggers, classes, and more. Learn how to create scalable and maintainable Salesforce applications.

Why do you need a Selector Layer?
A Selector Layer centralizes SOQL queries, ensuring consistency, FLS, sharing rule enforcement, and easier testing with mocking. It avoids duplication, supports caching, and simplifies updates, making your code cleaner, scalable, and more maintainable.
Senior Salesforce Developer

Future vs Queueable
In Apex, for a long time, a go to Asynchronous method was @Future annotation. Meanwhile, Queueable interface got built up with many useful tools to help developers. Is Queueable better now? Where does it stand in comparison to the @Future? Are there use cases when @Future is still valid? This guide will help you learn everything you need to know about using Asynchronous technologies.

LWC and Apex communication – the Ultimate Guide
See the ultimate guide for LWC and Apex connectivity solutions – how to get data, how to use wire and how to refresh cache – all in one place!
Salesforce Frontend Preacher

Type Casting in Apex
How Apex type casting works? How to cast List in Apex? How to cast Apex Map? Answers to these questions and much more can be found in this post!
Senior Salesforce Developer

Client Credentials custom Auth. Provider
Do you need to use Client Credentials flow? Or you are just wondering how to create one? Check this step-by-step guide with example on building custom Auth. Provider for Client Credentials. Contains a real life example using PayU API.

Apex CPU Benchmarking
Have you ever encountered the infamous Apex CPU time limit exception? Check out this post to see how to efficiently measure the performance of your Apex code.
Freelance Salesforce Developer

Static in Apex Salesforce
Static variables are a key aspect of apex programming that can significantly enhance code functionality and efficiency.
Senior Salesforce Developer

First Look on Code Builder
Code Builder is a new IDE created by Salesforce. It is meant to be run entirely in the browser, and comes with the Salesforce Extension pre-installed. Let see how reality looks like!

Apex Triggers Introduction
Preview and introduction to Apex Triggers. Learn how to define one and its capabilities.

Having troubles with Navigation Menus after Spring ’23 update?
Having troubles with Navigation Menus after Spring ’23 update? Check out our post for a quick fix and solution!
Salesforce Frontend Preacher

System.Assert Class vs System.assertEquals methods
Salesforce released new Assert methods in Winter 23. Are they better or worse than existing assert methods? Should we replace the old ones with new methods? Check this article to find out!
Freelance Salesforce Developer

Publishing Visual Studio Code Extension
How to make and share a VS Code extension? It is easier than you think. Follow these steps to add a new extension to the Marketplace.

How to check if list is empty in Apex
Do you know what is the best way to check if the list is empty in Apex? Find out how to do it like a pro!
Freelance Salesforce Developer

Country State Dependent Picklist in Apex
How to get a country-state dependent picklist in Apex? Check various methods for your frontend and backend solution.
Senior Salesforce Developer

Salesforce To Google REST API Integration
Integrate your Salesforce environment with Google by REST API. Check the completed integration guide.
Senior Salesforce Developer

Apex Test Data Factory
Use Apex Test Data Factory to create Test Data for your Unit Tests. Don’t struggle with data creation anymore!
Senior Salesforce Developer

Abstract, Virtual, Interface in Apex
Find the differences between Abstract, Virtual, and Interface implementation in Apex code. Understand the purpose and make your code better.
Senior Salesforce Developer

Constants in Apex
With Constants framework you will be able to keep final values in fancy way. Check how to use it!
Senior Salesforce Developer

Apex Debugging
Salesforce provides sophisticated methods to debug your apex code. Check how to use all of them and resolve issues more efficiently.
Senior Salesforce Developer

Salesforce Platform Cache
Platform Cache is salesforce feature, which allows you improve you app performance and improve user experience.
Senior Salesforce Developer

Detect “Log in to Community as User” in Apex
The question is “How we can detect that current user is logged in to the community on behalf?”
Senior Salesforce Developer
Showing 22 of 22 results