For Developers

Visual Studio Code Plugins

Salesforce Snippets

Salesforce Snippets

A VS Code Extension with Apex and LWC Snippets. Extension contains 128 code snippets.

Salesforce SnippetsSalesforce Snippets
Custom Labels Extension

Custom Labels Extension

This extension allows you to easily add and sort Custom Labels from Salesforce in your Visual Studio Code.

Custom Labels Extension

Apex Frameworks



The SOQL Lib provides functional constructs for SOQL queries in Apex. The library offers both a Query Builder and a Selector approach.

Apex Constants

Apex Constants

The Constants Framework provides a structured approach for managing constants in the Apex.

Apex Constants
HTTP Mock Lib

HTTP Mock Lib

Simpler Apex Http Callouts mocking.

HTTP Mock Lib
Cache Manager

Cache Manager

A simple way to cache data in Salesforce Apex.

Cache Manager

LWC Frameworks

Single Page Application

Single Page Application

How to create a Single Page Application (SPA) using Lightning Web Components.

Single Page Application