Salesforce To Google REST API Integration

Hello there! 👋
I would like to present a complete guide for Salesforce to Google REST API Integration.
Below you can find the step-by-step configuration.
No more talk. Let’s begin!


salesforce to google rest api integration

Custom App


Goal: Enabling custom client applications access to online resources needed by those applications.

create a project, enable API, configure OAuth consent screen and set scopes, create credentials.

  1. Go to Manage resources,
    1. Sign in with Google Account.
    2. Create a new project. – CREATE PROJECT button.
  2. Go to API Library.
    1. Make sure that previously created project is selected (picklist next to the Google Cloud logo).
    2. Click the needed API card.
    3. IMPORTANT! Click TRY THIS API. It redirects you to complete documentation about the selected endpoint. Here you can find HTTP Method, HTTP URL and required OAuth 2.0 Scopes. Keep this page for the future use.
    4. When you are fine with all permissions enable API by hitting the ENABLE button on the previous page.
  3. Go to OAuth consent screen.
    1. Execute all steps.
    2. Add all needed scopes for the selected Endpoint. Get scopes from step 2.3. Note! Be careful, add only necessary access! Scope defines what type of access your app can guarantee.
  4. If you added sensitive scopes, you need to go through the verification. You can do it with the PREPARE FOR VERIFICATION button. It’s not necessary to accomplish our tutorial, let’s skip it for now.
  5. Go to Credentials.
    1. Hit + CREATE CREDENTIALS. Choose Create OAuth client ID.
    2. Set Application type as Web application.
    3. Skip URIs configuration just for now.
  6. You should see Client ID and Client Secret. Note! Copy and save it for future use.

Auth. Provider


Goal: Allow your Salesforce org to access protected third-party data on behalf of users.

configure Auth. Provider, get callback URL.

Configure a Salesforce Authentication Provider

  1. Setup > Auth. Providers > New
Property Description
Provider Type Google
Name Auth. Provider Name e.g. Google
URL Prefix Used in the client configuration URLs e.g. Google
Customer Key Client ID from step Custom App#6
Customer Secret Client Secret from step Custom App#6
Authorize Endpoint URL Leave default
Token Endpoint URL Leave default
User Info Endpoint URL Leave default
Default Scopes openid + go to API Library and check the documentation for your Google API. All available scopes you can find here
  1. Hit Save.
  2. Copy the Callback URL from the Salesforce Configuration section.
  3. Go to Credentials and edit the previously added OAuth 2.0 Client ID (Step Custom App#5).
  4. Add copied Callback URL to the Authorised redirect URLs section.

Named Credentials


Goal: Specifies the URL of a callout endpoint and its required authentication parameters in one definition.

configure Named Credentials with Auth. Provider

Legacy Named Credentials

Creaate a Legacy Named Credentials

  1. Setup > Named Credentials > Arrow next to New > New Legacy
  2. Complete the configuration form
Property Description
Label Named Credentials Label e.g Google
Name Named Credentials Name e.g Google. It will be used in Apex
URL It depends on your API. Go to API Library, and your API and check the documentation. Add base endpoint URL e.g
Identity Type Named Principal Use the same set of credentials for all users who access the external system from your org. Select this option if you designate one user account on the external system for all your Salesforce org users. More details you can find here
Authentication Protocol OAuth 2.0
Authentication Provider Provider created in the previous step.
Scope Optional. Specifies the scope of permissions to request for the access token. Your authentication provider determines the allowed values. The value that you enter replaces the Default Scopes value that’s defined in the specified authentication provider.
  1. Save

New Named Credentials

Named Credentials and External Credentials

External Credenitials

Create and Edit an External Credential

  1. Setup > Named Credentials
  2. Choose the External Credentials tab and click New.
Property Description
Label External Credentials Label e.g Google
Name External Credentials Name e.g Google.
Authentication Protocol OAuth 2.0
Authentication Provider Provider created in the previous step.
Scope Optional. Specifies the scope of permissions to request for the access token. Your authentication provider determines the allowed values. The value that you enter replaces the Default Scopes value that’s defined in the specified authentication provider.
  1. Save

Named Credentials

Create and Edit a Named Credential

  1. Setup > Named Credentials.
  2. Choose the Named Credentials tab and click New.
Property Description
Label Named Credentials Label e.g Google
Name Named Credentials Name e.g Google. Will be used in Apex.
URL It depends on your API. Go to API Library, and your API and check the documentation. Add base endpoint URL e.g
External Credentials Choose the one created in the previous section.

Permission Set

  1. Setup > Permission Sets > New
Property Description
Label Permission Set Label e.g. Google API
Name Permission Set API Name e.g. GoogleAPI
  1. Setup > Named Credentials > External Credentials
  2. Click New next to Permission Sets Mappings.
Property Description
Permission Set Select Permission Set created in the previous step.
Identity Type Named Principal
  1. Assign Permission Set to your integration user.
  2. Go back External Credentials page. Click the arrow next to the Permission Set Mappings and hit Authenticate.

Apex Code


  1. Create an APEX class. e.g GoogleWebService.
  2. Go to API Library. Choose your API and open documentation.
  3. Choose a concrete endpoint. Check REST API method and HTTP request params.

Here you can find really simple code to make a callout.

public with sharing class GoogleWebService {
    public static void makeCallout() {
        HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
        request.setMethod('REST API METHOD');
        request.setEndpoint('callout:NAMED_CREDENTIALS_NAME/' + path);
        //request.setEndpoint('callout:NAMED_CREDENTIALS_NAME' + '/users/me/calendarList');

        Http http = new Http();
        HTTPResponse response = http.send(request);

        if (response.getStatusCode() == 200) {

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Piotr Gajek
Piotr Gajek
Senior Salesforce Developer
Technical Architect and Full-stack Salesforce Developer. He started his adventure with Salesforce in 2017. Clean code lover and thoughtful solutions enthusiast.