Learn how to integrate Salesforce with external systems and tools. Discover step-by-step guides, best practices, and use cases.

Salesforce OAuth 2.0 Flows: Integrate in the right way

Salesforce OAuth 2.0 Flows: Integrate in the right way

TL;DR I just want to know which flow to use If you’re short on time or just want to know what flow is for you, just go here. Introduction Brief Overview OAuth, which stands for Open Authorization, is an open-standard protocol that provides users with secure access to resources on an application, such as Salesforce, […]

Mateusz Babiaczyk
Mateusz Babiaczyk

Salesforce Technical Architect

Future vs Queueable
January 26, 2024

Future vs Queueable

In Apex, for a long time, a go to Asynchronous method was @Future annotation. Meanwhile, Queueable interface got built up with many useful tools to help developers. Is Queueable better now? Where does it stand in comparison to the @Future? Are there use cases when @Future is still valid? This guide will help you learn everything you need to know about using Asynchronous technologies.

Client Credentials custom Auth. Provider
September 29, 2023

Client Credentials custom Auth. Provider

Do you need to use Client Credentials flow? Or you are just wondering how to create one? Check this step-by-step guide with example on building custom Auth. Provider for Client Credentials. Contains a real life example using PayU API.

Web-to-Anything: Secure Forms with FormAssembly
October 3, 2022

Web-to-Anything: Secure Forms with FormAssembly

Learn how to build secure web-to-anything Salesforce forms using FormAssembly.

Salesforce To Google REST API Integration
September 20, 2022

Salesforce To Google REST API Integration

Integrate your Salesforce environment with Google by REST API. Check the completed integration guide.

Piotr Gajek
Piotr Gajek

Senior Salesforce Developer

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