Piotr Gajek
ByPiotr Gajek
Senior Salesforce Developer
December 8, 2023 Loading views...
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Do not use Ternary operator to return Boolean



All comperation statements either in Apex or LWC return Boolean. Let’s take a look for an examples.


'a' === 'b' // => false
1 === 1 // => true


'a' == 'b' // => false
1 == 1 // => true


There is no need to use the ternary operator since the comparison statement returns a Boolean.


const isPartner = this.userType === 'Partner' ? true : false;
const isCustomer = this.userType === 'Partner' ? false : true;

Based on the documentation:

condition ? exprIfTrue : exprIfFalse;

You have something like this:

condition that evaluates to Boolean (condition) ? true (exprIfTrue) : false (exprIfFalse);
true (condition that evaluates to Boolean) ? true : false;
false (condition that evaluates to Boolean) ? true : false;

Best Practice

  • this.userType === 'Partner' is comperation statement.
  • A comparison statement inherently returns a Boolean value.
  • Therefore, there is no need to use the Ternary operator, since the result is already true or false.

Based on the KISS principle your code can be as simple as possible.


const isPartner = this.userType === 'Partner';
const isCustomer = this.userType !== 'Partner';

Do not use Ternary operator to return Boolean

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Piotr Gajek
Piotr Gajek
Senior Salesforce Developer
Technical Architect and Full-stack Salesforce Developer. He started his adventure with Salesforce in 2017. Clean code lover and thoughtful solutions enthusiast.